Comparison of Evernote and Notion
2024 年 2 月 6 日

Evernote and Notion have different styles. Evernote has a dark-themed sidebar and familiar editing options, which is comfortable and intuitive for users who are familiar with word-processing software. Notion, on the other hand, takes a simpler approach by hiding advanced features behind commands. This may confuse some users at first, but it results in a clean and focused interface.

Features #

Both Evernote and Notion offer a wide range of features to enhance productivity. Evernote is known for its note-taking capabilities, allowing users to create text, audio, and image notes. It also offers features like web clipping, document scanning, and handwriting recognition. Notion, on the other hand, takes a more modular approach with its blocks system. Users can create different types of blocks, such as text, tables, images, and more, and arrange them in a flexible and customizable layout. Notion also offers features like databases, task management, and project tracking.

Organization #

Evernote and Notion both provide tools to help users stay organized. Evernote allows users to organize their notes into notebooks and tags, making it easy to find and categorize information. Notion, on the other hand, offers a more flexible organization system with its blocks. Users can create different types of blocks for different types of content, and arrange them in a hierarchical structure. This allows for a more visual and customizable way of organizing information.

Sharing #

Both Evernote and Notion offer sharing options to collaborate with others. Evernote allows users to share notebooks and notes with others, and even collaborate on notes in real-time. Notion, on the other hand, takes collaboration to the next level with its team workspace feature. Users can create a workspace and invite others to collaborate on different pages and projects. Notion also allows for real-time collaboration and offers features like comments and mentions.

Price #

When it comes to price, Evernote and Notion have different approaches. Evernote offers a free plan with limited features, as well as paid plans starting at $7.99 per month. Notion, on the other hand, offers a free plan with unlimited features for personal use, as well as paid plans starting at $4 per month for teams. The pricing plans for both Evernote and Notion are competitive and offer value for money.

Cross-Platform Availability #

Both Evernote and Notion are available on multiple platforms, making it easy to access and sync your data across devices. Evernote is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, as well as through a web browser. Notion is also available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, and has a web version as well. This cross-platform availability ensures that you can use Evernote or Notion on the device of your choice, whether it's a computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Conclusion #

In conclusion, both Evernote and Notion are powerful productivity tools with their own strengths. Evernote excels in its note-taking capabilities and extensive feature set, while Notion offers a more modular and customizable approach to organization. The choice between Evernote and Notion ultimately depends on your personal preferences and workflow. If you prefer a traditional note-taking experience with advanced features, Evernote may be the better choice for you. On the other hand, if you value flexibility and customization in organizing your information, Notion may be the right fit. Ultimately, both Evernote and Notion are worth considering for anyone looking to boost their productivity and stay organized in a digital world. Evernote在体验和精心设计方面处于领先地位。






Evernote在记事工具方面表现出色, 提供了广泛的功能,包括文本、音频、图片和手写笔记。其编辑菜单设计精良,跨平台一致。而 Notion 则旨在用其一体化解决方案替代多个应用和服务。它提供了广泛的自定义选项,允许用户创建自己独特的工作流程。Notion 还提供小部件来增强页面的视觉吸引力。但是,Evernote 在离线模式方面领先,允许用户在没有互联网连接的情况下访问笔记本。分享功能在两个平台上都无缝运行。

价格 #

Notion 提供免费计划供个人使用,团队共享的付费计划每位成员每月起价 4 美元。Evernote 的免费计划有限制,其高级版本的费用为每年 70 美元。

关于移动应用的一点说明 #

Evernote 的移动应用以其本地设计和平台特定功能脱颖而出。它们提供平滑而无缝的体验。不幸的是,Notion 的移动应用 总结:Evernote vs Notion
