2023 年 10 月 22 日







  1. 性能问题 - 随着我的数据和项目数量的增加,Notion的性能开始下降。它变得越来越慢,响应时间变长。这使得我在处理大型项目和复杂页面时感到非常沮丧。

  2. 协作功能不佳 - Notion的协作功能在理论上很好,但在实践中却有很多问题。当多个人同时编辑一个页面时,经常会出现冲突和同步错误。这使得在团队协作中很难保持一致性和准确性。

  3. 移动端体验差 - Notion的移动应用相对较弱。它的功能和界面在移动设备上不够优化,使用起来不够流畅。这限制了我在移动办公时的效率和便利性。

  4. 价格过高 - 尽管Notion有免费版本,但它的高级功能需要付费。对于我而言,这些高级功能的价格过高,不值得我花费这么多钱。

综上所述,尽管Notion有很多优点,但对于我来说,它的缺点和问题超过了它的优点。因此,我决定寻找一个更适合我的、功能更强大的生产力系统。 ing tool. However, there are a few reasons why I personally don't use Notion as my primary productivity ecosystem:

  1. Complexity: Notion can be overwhelming for some users due to its vast range of features and customization options. It requires a significant amount of time and effort to fully understand and utilize all its capabilities. For individuals looking for a simpler and more straightforward solution, Notion may not be the best fit.

  2. Steep Learning Curve: As mentioned above, Notion's complexity can result in a steep learning curve. While it offers immense flexibility, it can take a while to grasp the various functionalities and effectively incorporate them into one's workflow. This can be discouraging for those who prefer a more intuitive and user-friendly platform.

  3. Mobile Experience: Although Notion has a mobile app, some users find the mobile experience to be lacking compared to the desktop version. Limited functionality and occasional syncing issues can hinder productivity when using Notion on the go. This can be a deal-breaker for individuals who heavily rely on their mobile devices for work and organization.

  4. Collaboration Limitations: While Notion allows for collaboration and sharing of content, its collaborative features are not as robust as some other productivity tools. Real-time collaboration and simultaneous editing can be challenging, especially for large teams or projects requiring extensive collaboration. This may make Notion less suitable for organizations or individuals who heavily rely on collaborative work.

  5. Pricing: Notion offers a free version with limited features, but to unlock its full potential, a subscription is required. While the pricing is reasonable for individuals, it may not be as cost-effective for larger teams or organizations with multiple users. This can make Notion less accessible for those on a tight budget or seeking a more affordable productivity solution.

Despite these reasons, it's important to note that Notion is an incredibly powerful and versatile tool. Many individuals and teams find great success in using it as their primary productivity ecosystem. It ultimately comes down to personal preference, individual needs, and the willingness to invest time and effort into mastering the platform.

In conclusion, while Notion offers a plethora of features and possibilities, it may not be the optimal choice for everyone. Exploring alternative productivity tools and finding the one that best suits your needs is crucial for maintaining an organized and efficient workflow. Notion是一个功能多样的工具,拥有无尽的用途。它非常适合项目管理,内置了许多工具,你可以在上面做任何你想做的事情,根据自己的需求进行定制。你可以花很多时间来完善它,让它适应你的工作方式。**但问题是,在我看来,生产力系统应该为你工作,而不是让你为它工作。**你不应该花大量时间来完善你的生产力系统,尤其是因为这可能导致你拖延。现在,有人可能会争辩说,一旦你完善了生产力系统,它会运作得很好,或者如果你使用一个...